Friday, October 16, 2009

Shabbat Shalom! - Seventh Gateway

Shabbat Shalom!

There are seven gates to the soul-- two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, and a mouth. The Creator blessed the seventh day of the week and sanctified it.

It is therefore fitting that the mouth-- which is the seventh gateway-- give praise, through song, prayer and Torah learning all through the day.  [Rabbi Moshe Azulai]

Haftarah Bereishit

I, HaShem, have called you in righteousness...
Haftarah Bereishit

Yeshayahu 42:6-7  I, HaShem, have called you in righteousness and will take hold of your hand.  I shall watch over you, having appointed you over the Covenantal people and a light to the nations, to open the eyes of the blind, to release prisoners from jail and dwellers in darkness from the dungeon.

It is HaShem Who has called the Mashiach to his great misson of returning the Jewish people to the Covenant.  To this end, G-d will strengthen him, "hold  his hand," and watch over him from all harm.

But his mission is not just to the Jewish people, but also to all the nations - for them, too, will he serve as a light.  He will enlighten, "open the eyes of," those who previously could not see G-d's truth.

42:10  Sing a new song to HaShem...   Let all nations sing to G-d for His opening their eyes...